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Contents of Electronics Manufacturer | Pick & Place Laser Machine | Ersa Rework Station | Semi-Automatic Screen Printer | Microscopes
Venue address
WORTH House, Unit 32, Stanley Road
Manchester, Greater Manchester
M45 8QX
United Kingdom
Contents of Electronics Manufacturer | Pick & Place Laser Machine | Ersa Rework Station | Semi-Automatic Screen Printer | Microscopes

For sale on behalf of a retained client

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 15, 2020 09:00 AM BST
Ends from: Nov 11, 2020 12:00 PM GMT
Auction currency
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There are 43 lots within this auction
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Blundell LCM TWS Automation Quadra Pick & Place Laser Machine | YOM: 2008
Blundell TSW 1250A Reflow Oven w/ Monitor
2 x Weller WFE-P Zero Smog Fume Extractors
Ersa PL 550A Rework Station w/ Camera & Compressor Unit
Vision Engineering VS7 SMD Inspection System
ClarkeAir SE16C150 Air Compressor
Ingersollrand EL1007E Electric Screwdriver w/ Power Supply
Ash Inspex HD1080p Digital Microscope
Ash Inspex HD720p Digital Microscope
Pace Intelliheat ST115 Soldering Station
Metcal MX-500p Soldering Station
ERSA VSS200p Optical Endoscope Inspection System
Wickes Pillar Drill
Press Gamma 1 Tonne Crimping Press
6 x Simoco PRM8060 Mobile Radio's
6 x Simoco PRM8060 Mobile Radio's
6 x Simoco PRM8060 Mobile Radio's
2 x Simoco SRM1000 Radio Transceiver's
2 x Sepura SRM3500 Tetra Mobile Radio's
96 x Primo Z-1300-0126-PMG Handset Black Telephones
50 x Primo White Handset Telephones
92 x TR1507 UK Power Adapters
EloToch ET1715L-8CWB-1-CYG 17
Marantz PM7200 Integrated Amplifier
10 x Line Audio Hybrid Units
4 x DRCIP Desktop Radio Controllers
Iiyama Prolite T2252MSC-B1 Touchscreen Computer Monitor
Iiyama Prolite T2252MSC-B1 Touchscreen Computer Monitor
Iiyama Prolite T2252MSC-B1 Touchscreen Computer Monitor
Iiyama Prolite T2252MSC-B1 Touchscreen Computer Monitor
22 x TRICX-AIU Audio Interface Units
Aeroflex 3251 Spectrum Analyzer
Farnell PCSS/2 PC Board Assembly Jig
Clarke ShhhAir 30/9 Compressor
Idxpert XC-500-595-WT-BK Handheld Labeller
Set of 6 Motorola Walkie-Talkies w/ Docking Station
Samsung Numatic Vacuum Cleaner
Zebra ZM400 Industrial Barcode Label Printer
Minicraft MB1012 Miniature Drill
Titan TTB580HTL Hot Glue Gun
Brother MFC-L8650CDW Multi-Functional Printer