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Mixed Insolvency Sale: Compressors | Wood Chipper | Tools | Ladders | Vacuum Cleaners | Plastic Rolls | Storage Containers & Much More
Venue address
WORTH House, Unit 32, Stanley Road
Manchester, Greater Manchester
M45 8QX
United Kingdom
Mixed Insolvency Sale: Compressors | Wood Chipper | Tools | Ladders | Vacuum Cleaners | Plastic Rolls | Storage Containers & Much More

JPS (Surveyors) Limited t/a JPS Chartered Surveyors are Auctioneers acting on the instructions of retained clients

Auction dates
Starts: May 03, 2024 12:00 PM BST
Ends from: May 16, 2024 01:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 136 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Homebase MEB1840E Powerbase 1800W Electric Lawn Mower, 41cm
6 x Outdoor Floor Drain Gutters
2 x Rolls Of Garden Fencing
3 x Dell P2719H 27in LCD Monitors
5 x Dell P2217H 22? Widescreen Height Adjustable Monitors
4 x Various DELL/SAMSUNG/LG Computer Monitors
9 x Polycom VVX 450 IP Phones
7 x Various Heavy Duty Chisels As Seen In Photos
Elite RCD161 240 Volt RCD Protection Box
Clare B255 Power Tool & Appliance Test Station
CLARE A433/203B/AM/P/L/110 High Voltage Flash Insulation Tester
Brother MFC-L3750CDW Colour Laser Printer
Brother HL-L5100DN A4 Mono Laser Printer
Q-Connect Q12CC Cross Cut Shredder
Q-Connect Q12CC Cross Cut Shredder
150 x Various Premier P5-FED Floor Sanding/Edging Discs
Panasonic TY-SP42PWD3 Speaker
2 x Light Orange Plastic Chairs
Quantity Of Various Scaffolding Base Jacks / Stage Leg Bases
Unbranded ELVIS15MA Speaker W/ Spare Parts *As Pictured*
By Kelly Hoppen Bamboo Circular Mirror
Packer Box sealer/Stapler
MX Elements Rectangle Slim Line Shower Tray | Size: 1700 x 800
MX Elements Rectangle Slim Line Shower Tray | Size: 1700 x 800
Unbranded Corner Slim Shower Tray | Size: 1000 x 760
Unbranded Corner Slim Shower Tray | Size: 1100 x 800
Emerald Quadrant Shower Tray | Size: 800 x 800
Prechen HD-101 10.1'' LCD Display Monitor
Unbranded Single Roller Stand
White Faux Leather Adjustable Bar Stool
Dewinner 550W Spray Gun
Tilswall JS-PHA0118 550W Spray Gun
Tilswall JS-PHA0118 550W Spray Gun
5 Stick Silver Effect Candle Holder
2 x Stage Concepts Metal Ramps
Unbranded 7200-01-EEC00DG Dispenser
Unbranded 800 Slider Panel
Vax CWCPV011 Compact Power Carpet Cleaner
Cirago LS-609C Garment Steamer
8 x Large Plastic Sheets/Tarpaulin
Large Quantity Of Various Sound/Lighting Cables - As Pictured
Van Guard 3Mtr Roof Tube
12 x Unbranded Long Hinges
15 x Expamet 3MM Thin Coat Angle Beads
10 x Various Metal 4 Drawer Filing Cabinets - As Pictured
10 x Height Adjustable Trestle Stands
10 x Height Adjustable Trestle Stands
Unbranded White Office Desk
Mixed Lot Of Various Used Hand Soaps/Shampoo/Conditioner - As Pictured
Box Of Various Coloured Dust Pan & Brush Sets - As Pictured
7 x Various Framed Prints - As Pictured
Unbranded Metal Cage
Large Quantity Of Various Coat Hangers - As Pictured
4 x Wooden Pallet Collars
3x Freestanding Uplighters Double Lights
4x Freestanding Uplighters Lights
4x Freestanding Uplighters Lights
4x Freestanding Uplighters Lights
4x Freestanding Uplighters Lights