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Mixed Insolvency Sale: Compressors | Wood Chipper | Tools | Ladders | Vacuum Cleaners | Plastic Rolls | Storage Containers & Much More
Venue address
WORTH House, Unit 32, Stanley Road
Manchester, Greater Manchester
M45 8QX
United Kingdom
Mixed Insolvency Sale: Compressors | Wood Chipper | Tools | Ladders | Vacuum Cleaners | Plastic Rolls | Storage Containers & Much More

JPS (Surveyors) Limited t/a JPS Chartered Surveyors are Auctioneers acting on the instructions of retained clients

Auction dates
Starts: May 03, 2024 12:00 PM BST
Ends from: May 16, 2024 01:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 136 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
4x Freestanding Uplighters Lights
4x Freestanding Uplighters Lights
4x Freestanding Uplighters Lights
2x Freestanding Uplighters Lights
Avid Portable Media Composer Accelerator
2 x Various Studio Stands As Seen In Photos
Samsung 42
Panasonic 42
*Broken Screen* Samsung UE50RU7020KXXU 50
*Broken Screen* Samsung UE50RU7020KXXU 50
60 x PCE 013-6X 16A Plugs
60 x PCE 213-6X 16A Plugs
Edimax 5-Port Fast Ethernet Desktop Switch
5 x Sets Of Various Computer Speakers
10 x Panasonic Telephones As Seen In Photos