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Disability Sale: Wheelchairs, Hoists, Rollators, Walking Aids, Accessories & More
Venue address
WORTH House, Unit 32, Stanley Road
Manchester, Greater Manchester
M45 8QX
United Kingdom
Disability Sale: Wheelchairs, Hoists, Rollators, Walking Aids, Accessories & More

JPS (Surveyors) Limited t/a JPS Chartered Surveyors are Auctioneers acting on the instructions of retained clients

Auction dates
Starts: May 10, 2024 12:00 PM BST
Ends from: May 22, 2024 02:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 74 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Quantum 610 Electric Wheelchair
80Kg 4-Way L-C Smart Lifter Left Hand
80Kg 4-Way L-C Smart Lifter Right Hand
80Kg 4-Way L-C Smart Lifter Right Hand
100Kg 4-Way L-C Smart Lifter
Golvo 7007 Es Hoist 2001
Oxford Midi 170 Electric Hoist
Oxford Midi 170 Electric Hoist 2009
Oxford Midi 170 Electric Hoist 2010
Wheelchair Ramp
Ergolet Pallas 2000 Lift 2004
Days Swift Self Propelled 46CM Wheelchair
10X PBQ 12V Replacement Rechargeable Batteries
8X PBQ 12V Replacement Rechargeable Batteries
8X PBQ 12V Replacement Rechargeable Batteries
Days Walking Aid Height Adjustable
Days Walking Aid Height Adjustable
Economy Toilet Frame Height and Width Adjustable
Economy Toilet Frame Height and Width Adjustable
Cefindy Walking Aid Height Adjustable
Shower Chair Height Adjustable
Cefindy Shower Chair Height Adjustable
Cefindy Toilet Chair Height Adjustable
Cefindy Toilet Chair Height Adjustable
Cefindy Toilet Chair Height Adjustable
Cefindy Toilet Chair Height Adjustable
Mowbray Flat Pack Height Adjustable
Cefindy Seating Aid Height Adjustable
Cefindy Seating Aid Height Adjustable
Cefindy Seating Aid Height Adjustable
Perfomance Health Mobile Adjustable Overbed Table
Adjustable Overbed Table
Adjustable Overbed Table
Wooden Ramp
Lot 96
3-In-1 Kitchen Spread Board With Grip And Grater
Homecraft Universal Kettle Tipper
Homecraft Aluminium Shower Stool
Vida Washable Chair Pads
Waterproof And Wipeclean Pillow
V' Shaped Pillow
Waterproof Single Duvet 10.5 Tog
10x Readi Protect Disposable Aprons
4x Waterproof Wheelchair/Mobility Scooter Covers
Wheelchair Cover Bag
2x Drive Suction Cups With Indicator
Drive Suction Cups Grab Bar
Tea Set
Lot 165
3x Clear Caring Mugs
2x Mobility Handles
Food Guard
Lot 169
Fork Knife Right Angled Handle
Plastic Spreading Board
2x Hernia Support
3x Dorking Stocking Aid
4x Shoulder Rope Pulley
4x Mixed Sizes Maternity Belts
Zimmer Frame Apron Bag
Waterproof Cover
Box Of Mechanical Aids
Plastic Water Weight